Random Scribblings (006)

random scribblings (006)

random scribblings (006)

Got some new pen nibs…decided to check ’em out…looks like I’m liking the Speedball 108 (the dude on the far right with the bandaid on his face). Too bad I wound up with only one of it, and 3 of 12 other kinds I don’t really care for. This is me just messing around with my new nibs and me trying to get used to using inks, inkwells, droppers, cleaners, blah blah blah. It’s a pain in the ass, but I can’t get the line weights out of a rollerball or prismacolor pen, and when it comes to inking, line-weight is everything.

Artwork Upload: “Portrait of Hugh Ferguson”

Portrait Drawing of Hugh Ferguson

what: prismacolor graphite HB when:Apr 14, 2012

Well, this portrait’s two-fold. First, I wanted to get something done in time for his memorial on Monday, with some time to get it framed (tomorrow). And, second, since I am drawing portraits of my heroes, it seemed only natural to include him here as one of them.

Rest in peace my friend…hopefully, I’ll try and get some words down in time for Monday as well in case they’re going to allow people to speak.

Political Cartoon Attempt #06

FDA Plus GMO political caroon

what:nib pen & brush when:Apr 10, 2012

Yet another crack at my idea of a political cartoon. I’m not sure if I should give up entirely or keep on cranking these out. It just feels like…my drawing cannot get any better…I don’t know. It’s weird. Maybe I’ll think about my epiphany about attitude some more. Half of me wants to give up, but the other half is fighting for continuing on. I know that really good cartoonists should inspire me, but I can’t help but feel discouraged when I see the works of the masters.

Random Scribblings (006)

Random Scribblings (006)

what:prismacolor graphite HB when:Apr 8, 2012

I picked up a People magazine the other day so I could start drawing random things from it. This sketch is the first thing I drew from it. Puttered around on it for a few days. Whether it sucks or not, up it goes. I’m having a problem with the scanner picking up my sloppy smudges…I need to figure out a way to keep my drawings cleaner, as I’d hate to go back in and clean them up digitally. Each caricature is totally unrecognizable, but I was shooting more for an overall practice session. I tried to pull my own visual gag as well by giving the guy in the back a banana. The idea came to me because they’re all wearing “monkey-suits.”

Artwork Upload “Kelly Wood Portrait/Caricature”

Kelly Wood Portrait/Caricature

what:prismacolor Ebony when:Apr 3, 2012

My first “live” caricature. Kelly offered herself up as my first victim. Took about 20 minutes. Botched the nose, and art style is inconsistent in my opinion. I’m trying to stick to straight solid lines, thus, the cross hatching. Fighting the urge to shade is colossal and overbearing. Smudging is a real issue as well…I need to get that paper and tape it to my drawing hand or something.