Random Scribblings (001)

I’ve been really struggling with hands and feet since I started back up with this whole drawing thing. So I’ve been challenging myself by drawing lots of hands in goofy positions, looking for, and drawing people with interesting hand positions, and drawing in ink.

Ink forces the issue, unlike pencil which I can simply erase and try again. These are a coupla random scribblings I did tonight, with a focus on hands, and I really, really want the deft confidence ink instills. It looks like I’m quite a ways off as these scribblings illustrate (pun intended) but I would be disingenuous if I hid my failings. Besides, I want an archive of these things, good or bad, over time, so I can evaluate my progress and adjust my attention accordingly, especially if I’m gonna take this drawing stuff seriously.

Random Scribbling 001

Random Scribbling 001

Random Scribbling 002

Random Scribbling 002

Artwork Upload “Caricature Illustration Practice 05 (color)″

Keith Olbermann color drawing

what:primsacolor when:Mar 23, 2012

I’ve only done one other prismacolor portrait in color, and that was back in high school. I have no idea what got into me to do this…I guess we all grieve in different ways.

I hope these people won’t get sore at me trying to draw them..