Artwork Upload “Caricature Illustration Practice 02″

Newt Gingrich Drawing

what:pen when:Mar 18, 2012

I tried my hand at free drawing an ink caricature from a photograph, using my own technique. I clearly haven’t got the knack down of when and where not to draw lines lol. Politicians are always great fun, because they’re already caricatures already.

Artwork Upload “Caricature Illustration Practice 01”

what:pen when:Mar 18, 2012

This is an illustration I did of an illustration by Mort Drucker, the greatest caricaturist who has ever walked the earth. I really hope he doesn’t get too mad at me for practicing on this, but shouldn’t students of art copy the works of the masters?

I hope to be able to someday do this from photographs myself, but for now, I need Mr. Drucker’s art as a guide. He knows exactly where to put each line, and, most importantly, when and where NOT to draw. That’s the trick. A trick I will likely never get down on my own. To be able to draw people, and have them instantly recognized, without introducing their names anywhere would be an amazing goal to achieve.

A goal effortlessly attained by Mort Drucker. However, I need to be extremely careful not to absorb his style.

Artwork Upload “Stressed”

Ink illustration of stress

what:ink when:Mar 17, 2012

Another ink illustration for the next chapter of my unreadable guide to life. I guess it’s turning out to be an illustrated guide now. It was supposed to just be a bunch of stupid words, but now I guess it’s turning out to be bunch of stupid words AND stupid pictures.

I haven’t worked on the guide in a while, nor have I done any ink drawings either, so I’ll kill the two proverbial birds tonight.