Artwork Upload “Anatomy Practice”

drawing of two naked, flying people

what:graphite when:Mar 19, 2012

I wanted to get some anatomy practice in tonight. These are just two imaginary people in poses that popped into my head. This was pretty difficult to do straight out of my head without looking at anything for reference. It gives the brain a mighty work-out to try things like this, and I think it’s important to draw stuff straight from imagination from time to time, as I worry about losing it when working straight from photographs.

Artwork Upload “Someone 2”

Another pencil drawing of an imaginary woman

what:graphite when:today digital scan

this one is a photograph. Lighting sucked.

high res

high res

More graphite practice. I drew another woman from my imagination. I started getting fatigued with the hair, and although a little sloppy, I liked how it turned out. I didn’t want to ruin it, even though it was just practice.

For some reason it didn’t scan well. It looks much better in person. Need to figure out how to scan artwork, or photograph it for the web. Yay. Learning stuff. I really don’t wanna have to deal with photography, but if scanning is going to undo all my hard work, then it looks like I have no choice.

Artwork Upload “Fusion”

what:pencil when:Mar 10, 2012

I haven’t sat down and done anything like this in 19 years. I became increasingly frustrated with the quality of the paper, and me forgetting that pencil smears badly if you’re not careful.

It didn’t turn out at all the way I wanted, but I had already invested some time in it before I recognized the hurdles. At any rate, I created it, so up it goes.